This is where you can see any important notes that don't quite fit with the rest of the pages. They will be updated on a regular basis, so keep coming back.
I would like to thank Fern and Nathalie for their interest in setting up a Holy Family School Reunion. It is not an easy task and is a lot of hard work. Nathalie thanks so much for all the scanning you have done. It really helped to set off the page (content). Let's hope that it grows from here.
The object of this web page is to get as much info about the graduates at Holy Family School as we can. If there is any information on these pages that you do not wish to share with the rest of the world, please let us know. Existing pictures have been for the most part scanned from the yearbooks and sent in by those who's web page they are on..
It would be nice to get information about you to put onto your web page. For an example of this checkout my web page. Let us know a bit about yourself (or a lot), your email address, your homepage URL, where you are now and what you are doing. Send us electronic pictures of then and now or anything that might add to the reading pleasure of other visitors. Information about you will not be put up without your consent. Even though we may know your email address, we would not put it there without your saying so.
Any other comments or questions can be directed to Harry Gauthier, Nat Quessy or Fern Filion.
(Every time I write something, I always wonder how it would go over with Miss Filion, my English Teacher back then in my formative years)
-26 Nov - I added a page for Micheline Pitre
-28 Aug - Haven't done much here lately. I am hoping to fix up some of the pages and add more info as I get it. I added a page for David Gallant.
-31 Jan - Fixing up some of the links that are not working and revamping some of the directory structure.
-20 Jan - I have officially switched over the web site. I have put links on the other web pages so that people can make changes to their shortcuts or favourites. Any Feedback is welcome. Stay tuned for more as I review material I have received in the past year and not added.
-10 Jan - I have found a new web host. It is free for three years. This allows me to run scripts and get the guest book working once again. I am very busy fixing up all the links and putting everything on the same website. Please come back frequently and change your link to this homepage.
-19 Apr - I have been working since Jan 03 fixing the webpage as time permits. Today I am fixing some of the links that were not working. If you see any problems or errors, please let me know.
-2 Jan - Due to my move in October 2002 all the web pages were deleted by Rogers. Seeing how I did not have a recent backup, I have had to rebuild using older versions of the web page. I have also had a lot of help from Nathalie, recovering files that were on the page before October 2002. Thanks Nat. The moral of the story: Make backups often.
-15 May - added the graphic
of the HFS 2002 Reunion Banner made by Lettrage Waldi to the Main
-7 May - added pictures
from Vera Kennedy to the photo
albums page
-6 May - added yearbook
pictures (1972)
to the photo
albums page (Thanks to Chick for scanning these.)
-22 Mar - added Gisèle
(Clément) Lowe to Staff Page and Derrick Lowe and
Stéphane Lowe to Students who left before
they graduated at HFS Page. Also added a pictures
from Gisèle
(Clément) Lowe to the Photo
-21 Mar - added Arlette
Usclat name to the In Memoriam Page
-21 Mar - added a
picture of Francis
Sepanski and Miss Haslem to pictures
from Fern Filion in the photo
-16 Mar - added another
HFH School crest to the Home
-12 Mar - added yearbook
pictures (1971)
to the photo
albums page (Thanks to Chick for scanning these.... more to come)
-5 Feb - added Pictures
from Andre Michaud to the photo
albums page
-3 Feb - added yearbook
pictures (1970)
to the photo
albums page (Thanks to Chick for scanning these.... more to come)
-17 Jan - put the old
Guestbook back up so that it could be reviewed
-16 Jan - added a new Guestbook
hosted by my son Stephen in Calgary due to Rogers@Home's inability to have a
functioning guestbook
-6 Dec - added Nat's Trivia
Questions to 1982, 1983
and 1984
Graduates' page
-23 Oct - added a Sponsors
-14 Oct - added photos
from Pictures
from Marc Carrière to the
albums page
-13 Oct - added a page for
Camping information on the Accommodations
-20 Sep - added an Itinerary
-12 Sep - added an Accommodations Page.
-9 Sep - added a newer
picture of Holy Family School to the Home
-26 Aug - added a page for France
-26 Jun - added a page for Hilda Babin
-14 Jun - added a What
About Our Children!!! page
-14 Jun - added a 2002
HFS Reunion Committee page
-25 May - added photos
from Nathalie Quessy and photos
from Helen Filion to photo
albums page
-11 May - added photos
from Ann Bubar (Babin) to photo
albums page
-10 May - added a page for Ann Bubar
-7 May - added a page for Francis
MacNeil, Iris McDavid, Lorna MacGillivray,
Nadine Haslam, Marie Amirault,
Lawrence Chiasson and 1966 Graduates
-7 May - added to the pages WANTED!!!, In Memoriam and Jerry
Babin. Added a list of HFS Principals to HFS Staff
-4 May - added to the pages WANTED!!!, In Memoriam and those that have
already registered for the 2002 Reunion
-3 May - added a WANTED!!! page
-28 Apr - added to the pages In Memoriam and those that have
already registered for the 2002 Reunion
-27 Apr - added photos
from Germaine Ladouceur (Gervais) to
albums page
-27 Apr - added to the page In Memoriam
-27 Apr - added a page for
McCarthy (Ori)
-27 Apr - added names and info to the page for those that have
already registered for the 2002 Reunion
-26 Apr - added a page for Chibougamau Links
and In Memoriam
-26 Apr - added names to the page for those that have
already registered for the 2002 Reunion
-26 Apr - added to the pages of Fern
Filion and Helen
-24 Apr - added a page for Jerry
-24 Apr - added to the page of Joanne
-23 Apr - added photos
from Chick Bidgood to photo
albums page
-22 Apr - added photo
albums page and photos
from Fern Filion
-22 Apr - added names to the page for
those that have
already registered for the 2002 Reunion
-20 Apr - added to the pages of Brenda Bidgood,
Filion, Helen
Filion and 1965 Grads
-19 Apr - added a page for Joanne
-19 Apr - added names to the page for
those that have
already registered for the 2002 Reunion
-17 Apr - added School crests to main page
-17 Apr - added names to the page for
those that have
already registered for the 2002 Reunion
-16 Apr - added a page for those that have
already registered for the 2002 Reunion
-16 Apr - added a page about the 1982 Reunion
-16 Apr - added a page for Fern
Filion, Basil
Hurley, Vera Kenedy, Henri
Lortie, J.A. Tucker and Bill
-16 Apr - added to the pages
of Brenda Bidgood, Helen
Filion and Jeff Willis
-13 Apr - added to the pages of Brenda
Bidgood, Helen Filion and
-12 Apr - added a page for Brenda Bidgood and amended the Notes
-11 Apr - added pages for Jeff
Willis and Helen
- 9 Apr - added a page for Giongyike
- 8 Apr - added a page for Nathalie
- 6 Apr - added a page for Harry